Top 40 Free Directories Submission Site List

To Rank your Website in Search Engines, you should submit your site to Free Directories. To get More Traffic from the Search Engine, Submit your site to Directories as more as possible, this will help your website rank higher in Google and Other Search Engine. Everyone Wants to Know about Directories Submission Site List Because Free or Premium Directories list increased Your Website Traffic and you can get more sales.

Directories Submission Site List - Best Sites To Rank Higher

Read Also: Best Free SEO Tools for your New Blog

Types of Directories

There are 2 Types of Directories, Free and Premium. Free. Its depend on your budget how you submit your site into Directories free or Premium.

Directories Submission Site List – Best Sites To Rank Higher

Here is a List of Free Directories

We have Best Directories Submission Site List for your Website to grow Traffic and make more money.

  1. Google Webmaster Tools
  2. Submit your Site to Bing
  3. DMOZ
  4. 01 Web Directory
  6. Best of the Web
  7. Canny Link Internet Guide
  8. Exactseek
  9. Free Website Directory
  10. Information Outpost
  11. InfoListings Directory
  12. InfoTiger
  13. LinkCentre
  14. ScrubTheWeb
  15. Bloggeries
  17. Blog catalog
  19. Bloggernity
  20. Bloggapedia
  21. Blogging Fusion
  22. BlogFlux
  23. Blog Listing
  24. Blogdigger
  25. Blogorama
  26. Yeandi
  27. SplatSearch
  28. SunSteam

Press Released Published Sites Lists

If you have a new Website, then you have to publish your blog Published Date Via Announcement. Some Directories are Paid But Here is a list of Free Press Released Directories. This is the Complete Directories Submission Site List.

  1. NPR
  2. Beta News
  3. Directions Magazine
  4. ThomasNet
  5. Nanotechnology News
  6. PRLog
  10. ClickPress
  12. Online PR Media
  14. CGIDir
  15. PRWindow
  16. Free Press Index

Submit your Blog URL to Free Submission to Directories is very Simple. When you submit your website or Website to any URL, Directories index your URL into Search Engine Listing. If you used Target keywords according to your blog Niche, it will impact your site traffic and get a higher rank in Google and Other Search Engine.

How Does WordPress Default Comments in Your Website?

When You Install Fresh WordPress Installation on your Webhosting Destination, By Default WordPress Show this type of Comments Form.

  • Name
  • Website 
  • Comment
  • Email Address

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Directory Submission Good For SEO?

First of all, this will increase number of backlinks to your Website which is very important factor to ranking in Search Engines. it will also help search engines to discover your websites and index and rank faster then any other website.

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